Anwar al-Awlaki deserved to die. For the first time ever it seems that Fox News and President Obama were in agreement on something.
US citizen or not, al-Awlaki had several ties to dangerous people and organizations. There had to have been reasons why he was number one on the CIA’s kill list. Citizens might not be fully aware of all of those reasons due to safety and security measures by the government.
Besides that, it seems highly unlikely that US government or military officials would have been able to peacefully apprehend al-Awlaki. His apprehension probably would have ended with several casualties and injuries on both sides.
People are complaining that his killing was unconstitutional. The constitution also promises the right to a fair trial. Where would that trial have been held? In New York, where he praised 9/11, and the attack on the World Trade Center. How about Washington DC? Al-Awlaki had ties to at least three of the hijackers who attacked the Pentagon on September 11th.
While it seems ironic for President Obama, and Fox News to be in agreement, it seems they have it right. Normally, Fox News spends all day ripping Obama and his policies apart. While they pretend to be “fair and balanced”, they most certainly are not. Fox News is owned by Rubert Murdoch, one of the biggest contributors to the Republican party. Therefore, most of their stories and opinions lean to the right despite being “fair and balanced”.
If two sides can agree on this, then why can’t both parties work together to tackle more issues together? The United States government has trouble finding solutions to any problem because the two major parties are unwilling to work with each other. Next time, hopefully they'll think of this issue before arguing with each other and getting no where.
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